Monday, March 22, 2010

...........How to Kiss a Girl...........

The main problem that guys face when trying to kiss a girl is knowing if they're ready. Get the timing wrong, and things will turn awkward. Get it right, and well... you'll know. Here's how you can increase your odds. But, if you know they are ready then things will go well!

1.....Make her comfortable by making a joke, but not too much - humor is an attractive quality, but if you do it too much, you'll freak her out. For instance, it's probably not a good time to kiss that girl when you're watching a movie where someone is being killed.

  1. 2
    Use a nice, romantic spot. Who doesn't like a sunset, an empty grassy meadow under the stars, a deck on a lake at night, on the beach, on a paddle boat at a friends pond at night, or a private camp fire? But if she doesn't seem to like it, resume what you were doing before the attempted kiss.
  2. 3
    Stare into her eyes and casually look down at her lips, and then look back up again. Move gently closer to her. Tell her gently to kiss you, as a soft command, and when she looks confused, go in for the kiss.
  3. 4
    Put your hand on her face. She will like the feeling.
  4. 5
    Go for it! Lean in for the kiss. Try a peck for your first kiss, then move on to longer, more passionate kisses when you're both ready for it. Make sure you don't stick your tongue in her mouth if she isn't ready, she may find it disgusting if you do it too quickly.
  5. 6
    Use the other hand to stroke her hair or neck. But do not leave your hand on the back of her neck or hold her in place, girls may feel trapped and not like it.
  6. 7
    Pull away and look deep into her eyes and flicker back and forth between each eye.
  7. 8
    Find what you were talking about before and keep going if you're not kissing her anymore. Don't act strange, she might get the wrong impression.
  8. 9
    Remain normal after the kiss. You don't want to leave any sort of bad impression, or she might think you dislike her or even want to break up.
  9. 10
    If it's around Christmas season, you can hold mistletoe above the two of you, which will add more points on the humor, and the romance.

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